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Author: Oladayo Taiwo

Building Fortitude in Business Ventures

Building a successful business isn’t just about the triumphs; it’s about weathering the storms with unwavering fortitude. Today, let’s take a look on how we can build fortitude in business ventures – the quality that turns challenges into opportunities and setbacks into stepping stones for
growth mindset

Nurturing a Growth Mindset

There is no limitation to what we can achieve when we embrace a growth mindset—an empowering belief that our abilities and intelligence are not fixed traits, but rather, qualities that can be cultivated through dedication, effort, and resilience. This perspective not only fosters a passion
Youth climate change

Youth Action in the Face of Climate Change

In the midst of a changing climate, our role in fostering sustainable practices and driving positive environmental change is more crucial than ever. As we navigate the challenges posed by climate change, young individuals are urged to become agents of change, advocates for the planet,

The Future of Work: Navigating Technological Tides

The work place is undergoing a profound transformation, influenced by technological advancements, globalization, and the ever-changing needs of both employers and employees. The future of work is not a distant concept; it’s happening now, and it holds vast opportunities for those ready to embrace change.
soft skills

Mastering the Art of Soft Skills: Your Path to Success

Picture the professional arena as a grand mansion of opportunities, where your technical expertise acts as the master key to open the doors. However, once inside, it’s the finesse of your soft skills that ensures each door remains invitingly ajar, welcoming sustained success and fruitful
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